I'm so excited about this whole contest we had at my facebook page, it was the first Signed Book Giveaway contest and I'm thrilled with the amount of people that participated!
As in all contests there was a winner, and the lucky one to win a free signed copy of
Distract my hunger is a lady called...
Pauletta Horn
Congratulations Pauletta!
I wish I could send a copy to each and everyone that participated, it is somewhat bitter-sweet to have the contest come to its end: and that is why I've decided to have another signed book giveaway contest! Perhaps in the next one I can give away 2 books, or a book and some book-markers... Let's see!
The idea is to have the next contest as soon as we get to 200 "likes" on my facebook page, we don't need
that many people to join... Last time I checked there were already 132 "likes" :)
Feel free to invite as many people as you want to join, the more the merrier! And of course more giveaways to come!
Just in case you want to "like" the page and have not done so yet, here's the link:
X.Williamson's facebook authorpage
Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you for all the feedback! You can't imagine how valuable feedback is for an author. It helps us write better, feel inspired and want to improve ourselves, so keep the feedback flowing! I love to know your honest thoughts on my writing, if it's positive I must admit I feel happy because one writes for the readers and to share a story... But I also welcome negative feedback if you think I deserve it! Nobody's perfect and there is always room for improvement, right?
Thank you all!
And keep on interacting!