Here you'll find her interesting answers to our questions and discover more about this fabulous author!
1) We would like to know something more about yourself as an author and what lies behind your author persona, so let's start this interview with your beginning as an author. How and when did you start writing?
I have loved reading and writing for many years and always said I wanted to be a writer, but it was only in 2010 that I really decided to give it a go. I did a Creative Writing Course and while working on that I started to scribble some short stories. I had planned to submit to some open submission calls for anthologies, but a good friend (and fellow author) read one and suggested I submit to one of her publishers instead. I did, it was accepted, and the rest, as they say, is history.
2) What's your favourite piece of writing? I mean, from everything you've written, what is your personal favourite and why?
Hmm. I think Awaken to the Night out of those already published as that was my first one accepted and, though I haven't seen sales figures yet, it seemed to do well for me. But I am fond of my vampire story called Day-Walker which has recently been accepted by Silver Publishing and will be released later this year.
3) What do you need in order to get inspired and write?
Peace and quiet. I find I cannot work when my fiance is home and has the TV on - the noise is too distracting. I like to be alone with my thoughts and then the words come.
4) What is the best book you've read this year?
Ohh. That's hard as I've read a few good ones. I guess The Vampire Dimitri by Colleen Gleason springs to mind. I read that last month and really enjoyed it.
5) Where do you get the inspiration for your characters?
Often I dream them - usually just before I fall asleep at night when my mind is wandering. Sometimes I am thinking of existing characters and stories, thinking of ways they could have been different, and then someone pops into my head!
6) Are you currently working on a new book? If so, when can we expect to see it on the market?
Well, as I said, Day-Walker is out in September (provisionally). My Time Keepers miniseries is still ongoing too. Parts 1 and 2 are already available and the final two parts are due early May and early June. My current WIP is a thriller novella. I hope to have that ready to submit to the publisher next month.
7) Where can the readers find your books and discover more about you?
For more info on me and my books (including buy links), you can visit my website/blog:
8) Please leave us with a phrase to reflect upon or a quote.
Think of something witty by Oscar Wilde and pretend I said seriously!
Thank you very much for your time!
Thanks for having me!
Check out the Amazon links to Nicki's fabulous books:
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