Friday, April 15, 2011

Author Interview: Atarah L. Poling

1) Before we ask you more about your writing, it would be very interesting to know more about you, the author. How and when did you start writing?
I actually started writing in the fifth grade because I really got interested in an assignment for English Class. Also started writing poetry in the sixth grade.

2) Was it hard to decide to "share" your writing with the world? What's the best thing about it?

No it wasn't really hard for me to decide. Ever since I started writing I wanted to share my works. The best part about sharing my writing is that I know in my own way I am promoting reading. I know not many people enjoy reading, not as many as there once was years ago. With writing young adult books and making them slightly shorter in length I hope to captivate the readers.

3) One of your books, Hidden Light deals with some difficult topics but it is quite special from what I've read. Can you tell us more about it?
Yes, I can. I have personal difficulties with mental illnesses and I know how they can affect anyone's life and make you feel alone. It was because of this that I wrote Hidden Light, hoping that many will see that you're never alone in this life. There's always someone else out there that can understand. I want to get it across that yes, at this time, life may seem dark but there's always a hidden light.

4) Your other book, Forbidden Secret: Shadows Behind Locked Doors is quite different, right? What motivated you to write this one?

Yes, Forbidden Secret: Shadows Behind Locked doors is actually a young-adult fiction based on a paranormal romance. I've always found the paranormal to be interesting and I enjoy reading these kind of books the most. It always help to be able to escape our current lives in the pages of books. That is why I decided to write Forbidden Secret. Even I, myself, was able to escape this world and imagine this young girl's life.

5) Are you currently working on another book?
Yes I am writing another one currently and there's also one that is in the process of being published. The contract has been signed. The one that is soon to come out is another paranormal-romance for young adults.

6) Is there any reflection you'd like to leave our readers with?
I just want readers to know that no matter what obstacle you may face things will be alright. The stress will eventually dwindle down. Also to keep up the reading. I find that reading, especially fiction based books, allows us to handle whatever stress we may be handling in the present. Us authors wouldn't be able to continue on writing with out the support. If you enjoy a book by all means leave a great review. Those reviews are always helpful.

7) Where can our readers find out more about you and your books?
I am on, simply look up Atarah L. Poling. I love getting friend requests and would be willing to answer any questions. I also have a fan page on facebook. Once again under the name Atarah L. Poling.

1 comment:

  1. Atarah L. PolingThursday, June 02, 2011

    liked the interview. Thanks again for posting it. I hope some of you really do check it out
